Thursday, November 25, 2010
Papandayan Mountain: Biodiversity, Nature and Tourism Panorama Mountain of Fire (Vulkano tour
In January 1706, two Dutch soldiers named Creatiaun and Van Houten got the assignment from the local prefecture to visit, investigate and search for pure sulfur in Mountain Papandayan and M. Patuha. At that time, M. Papandayan still there in full height "(Kusumadinata, 1970)"
Long before the Dutch people find this mountain, local communities have often crossed M. Papandayan to bring tobacco, salt, vegetables and other earth results. This path is the nearest road that connects the plateau to the pangalengan Bandung with Garut valley.
Papandayan name, derived from the language of Sunda "Panday" which means blacksmith. In the past, when communities across the mountains, often heard voices that similar circumstances blacksmith at work, the sound was coming from a very active crater. So the mountain was later named Papandayan by development around the mountain.
Volcano located about 25 km southwest Garut regency, with geographical position 7o19 'South latitude and 107 o 44' East Longitude with an altitude of 2665 meters above sea level or about 1950 M above the plain of Garut. On the south side of this mountain there is M. Thunder and adjacent to its east there is M. Cikuray.
M. Papandayan is the most southern cone of a row of volcanoes in the south that have been classified Priangan (since the Dutch colonial era) as a fairly dangerous active volcano in West Java. Eruptions that have occurred since ancient times to make it like a piece of the mountain form a horseshoe. The crater is situated in Tegal eldest Square that has been long dead and turned into an open field. This old crater walls form a complex mountain range with peaks of M. Malang (2675 masl), M. Masigit (2619 masl), M. Saroni (2611 masl) and M. Papandayan (2665 masl) which surrounds the Tegal Alun-alun. In this field appears springs become Ciparugpug River.
Around the horseshoe area, we also can see the small mountains that surround G. Papandayan, among others, G. Puntang (2555 masl), G. Walirang (2238 masl), G. Tegal Nails (2225 masl) and G. Jaya (2422 masl). While the Valley of G. Puntang and G. There Walirang Gede Cibeureum river that flows into the River Cimanuk.
Eruption History
In recorded history, major eruptions have occurred in M. Papandayan at 11 to 12 August 1772. This large eruption caused the destruction of some body of this mountain, forming a horseshoe crater open towards the northeast.
"With a booming voice and a great racket, after midnight, looking suddenly soared upward rays of light, which illuminated the darkness, breaking down the top of the mountain, throw and boulder-throwing and spread it to surrounding blocks." So note F.W. Junghuhn, a German explorer of the eruption of Mount. Papandayan on August 11, 1772.
This eruption too powerful M. Papandayan recorded in history. Besides destroying part of his body, this eruption also destroyed 40 villages high didataran arrowroot, consuming approximately 2957 deaths of people and killed more than 1,500 head of cattle, buffaloes, goats and other domesticated animals.
In 1819, founder of the botanical gardens in Bogor, CGC Reindwardt a German national were among the first foreigner to climb this mountain. In this period, M. Papandayan become a haven for volcano experts and the plants until now.
R.D.M. opinion Verbeek and R. Fennema, eruption M. Papandayan in 1772 took place as was the case in M. Semeru in East Java in 1885, but more powerful. At the time of the eruption was seen vomit flame for 5 minutes Papandayan originating from the crater (crater Mas), followed by lawina boulders that destroyed the lower regions. Events falling rocks lawina it was is the subject of an eruption event M. Papandayan in 1772.
After that, this mountain experience a period of calm back until March 11, 1923 at Papandayan crater (crater Mas) began to flare up again until March 9, 1925. Over the past 2 years, a small eruption did not endanger the common on the mountain.
The eruption that occurred on March 11, 1923 was recorded from the crater contained in Tegal Alun-alun, namely in the form of the eruption of mud and rocks at the head of people who came out to about 150 m
According Cisurupan population, an eruption on March 11, 1923 occurred at night with a preceded by a mild earthquake. From the events of this eruption, the eruption of new fields have been discovered and named the new crater. In the field of 100 m eruption, the eruption found seven holes and a small lake has formed.
Along with the formation of new craters above, in June 1923, at the foot of M. Nangklak (a steep wall of the south crater Mas) has also formed a new crater crater named Nangklak with 3 pieces of eruption hole in it.
During the year 1924 until 1925, small eruptions occur alternately in each of the different craters up to even this mountain finally entered a long period of rest until a major eruption occurred again on 11 November 2002.
On Monday, 11 November 2002 at 15.30, M. Papandayan resumed its activities after nearly 60 years of his rest.
The eruption in 2002 was preceded by a small eruption on December freatik 1 to 3 October 2002 that occurred in the crater of Diamond which led to increased activity of this mountain. Temperatures in the Diamond craters have increased and could burn the sediment sulfur contained therein.
On November 10, 2002, Volcano Observation Post Papandayan noted a significant increase the number of type B Volcanic Earthquake of 60 times. This earthquake marks the fracture system and land in the area of the crater Mas become saturated with moisture and pressure, and activate the steam system in the crater of eruption freatik Mas headed next.
On November 11, 2002, eruption of first place in the crater freatik New at 16:03 o'clock pm, in the form of bursts of thick dust into the air which reaches a height of 5 km from the summit. New eruption in the crater caused a massive landslide Nangklak hill about some of the walls, landslide material fell into the river upstream Cibeureum Gede and caused flash flooding along the river mud Cibeureum Gede in Kec. Bayongbong. Noted 5 houses damaged and roads between Garut with Cikajang disconnected.
The eruption in 2002 also has changed the face of a horseshoe valley M. Papandayan, have been stockpiling the material that is poured out and buried the valley floor Ciparugpug River. While G. Nangklak suffered devastating mudslides along with the formation of several new craters.
Some of the above events in the history of volcanic eruptions that brought M. Papandayan become an important location for the audience of since ancient times until now.
Currently M. Papandayan is one of the active volcano in West Java that has been developed into a tourist attraction and destination panorama for volcano researchers abroad.
Fascinating attractions located in this mountain formed naturally from vulkanisma process that has lasted in the past. Activity occurring for hundreds of years, has produced and leave the forms of nature in the form of a typical volcanic cone, crater, outcrops of rocks and formation of new structures in the form of waterfall (waterfall), lakes, hot springs, blast hole steam heat from the ground, pools of boiling and precipitated sulfur yellow that blends with the landscape filled with rocks scattered and open plains are covered with grasses and edelweiss beautiful plants or old forests of moss wrapped in stunning.
Uniqueness, the uniqueness is what distinguishes the beauty of M. Papandayan with volcano-volcanoes in Indonesia.
M. Papandayan has been a nature reserve since 1924. When the Dutch colonial government set Papandayan forests and crater area of 884 hectares of nature reserves. Currently the total area of nature reserves has increased to 6807 ha plus garden area of 225 hectares of nature tourism. The addition of extensive nature reserves and parks of nature tourism is determined by the Minister of Forestry Decree No. 226/kpts/1990 dated 8-5-1990. Territory covers M. Papandayan, M. Puntang, M. Jaya, M. Drums, Tegal length and crater Darajat. With its status as a nature reserve means M. Papandayan and biodiversity in it are protected by the Republic of Indonesia.
G. Papandayan has a tranquil natural forests, natural forests can we meet at an altitude of 1900 - 2675 masl. Experts classify forest vegetation at this altitude as the upper montane forests and sub-alpine. Research plant in 2004 in the area between Pondok Saladah to reveal Tegal Panjang forest conditions as follows.
In the crater area, we can find a bush plants that are resistant to toxic gases such as suwagi, grass and nail crater crater. Getting away from the crater, plant shrubs become more diverse again. Suwagi addition, the tree seals, ramo gencel, huru koneng, shrubs harendong, edelweiss, grass crater, nails andam, plant vines and bungburn gandapura can we meet in this area.
More to the edge of the road, we'll see a tree that branches ki Haruman dominate landscape filled bumps. To the north of the area behind the former rest house Hoogbert hut, forest conditions began to change because of the influence of the crater began to decrease. Forests here met by the diameter trees are dense with forest floor, but rarely overgrown with bush, we can find trees kendung, anggrit, public disorder and public disorder sintok stone. In addition, ferns bagedor also can we meet together with grass and bushes teklan CAREX.
Starting from Cisupabeureum (2126 masl), at the foot of M. Puntang until Tegal Panjang, large diameter trees covered by moss with meeting the forest floor is overgrown by plants bubukuan can we meet here. Anggrit trees and rain ki very dominate in this forest, besides the dog and bay laurel beurit. Two types of herbaceous ground cover that is Elatostema eurhynchum and Elatostema rostratum easily seen here with forest strawberry plant propagation.
In Tegal panjang, we can find 25 species of herbaceous plants that live along the weeds. Some of them are prominent veins ki, antanan and Scleria terestis. Alchemilla endemic plants and rare plants Primula villosa imperalis can be found also in this field.
In addition to the above plants, we also can meet and observe some wildlife that live in the woods this Papandayan, such as surili monkey, langur, wild boar, check and leopard. Plantation near the forest edge areas we will find easily tando animals, skunks and careh.
According to the records of the Dutch colonial documents, long ago can still be found bison, deer and pelanduk seen grazing in Tegal panjang. Predators of Javan tigers are still frequently appears. But now it's all just a memory only, these animals have become extinct.
Dutch bird researcher named Hoogerwerf in 1948 there were 115 reported bird species that live in M. Papandayan. Research in 2004 on the west side of M. Papandayan, from Pondok Saladah until Tegal Panjang and border areas of forest with a garden in Canning has found 73 species of birds. Eight of them endemic species of Java island and 15 other species protected by legislation. There are 2 kinds of birds are threatened with extinction, the Javan hawk-eagle and mountain fastness as well as 2 other bird species and endangered species that is close to the mountains and the CICA sun wallet.
Around the crater wall, found birds of prey and kestrel dadali dragonfly. While forest area dominated by plants suwagi around the crater, easy to find the bird spectacles, balecot, tengtelok and tikukur.
In the forest long after the crater up to dry, we can find a junk mountain, bird broom, mungguk camouflage, wergan and glasses together with games and cincoang blue quail that inhabit the bush. Bird saeran, saeran walik gray and purple head was also spotted in this forest. While the mountain fastness and fade tigers need accuracy to meet him.
While the border areas of forest with a vegetable garden or a garden tea can be found in birds of prey are threatened with extinction namely Javan hawk along with 2 other predators are eagles and hawks ruyuk black. Bird saeran, wergan koneng, small and kepudang sungu pijantung Java also easily found in this area. While birds and CICA kandancra sun requires patience to be able to see it. In the garden tea itself is a playground and a habitat for two bird species and tektek reod Toed.
Based on her eating habits, the birds in M. Papandayan majority (64%) are insectivorous (insectivor). This indicates the role of large birds in maintaining the balance of insect populations found in the woods Papandayan.
Panorama Nature and Volcano Tours (Vulkanowisata)
M. Papandayan besides known to many people because of natural scenery, the beauty of the crater and sunrisenya a compelling, well known to many people because the mountain that can be used as a source of knowledge for students of the volcano. Including for students, university students and researchers who require data related to natural sciences such as forest science, geology, volcanology, geophysics and others.
Almost every month, especially in April until November, local and foreign tourists and students are many who visit this mountain with different purposes.
The mountain itself has been equipped with several facilities that allow visitors and researchers to visit here. Field parking area of a football field. MCK, Mosque, food stalls and a host of well-trained guides knowledge and skills in English enough to pamper and help us to more deeply understand the content of mountain and forest wealth which is in M. Papandayan.
Several tour packages are also sold by the guides here to help us uncover the mystery of this mountain will take us to the most beautiful locations in exotic M. Papandayan and surrounding areas.
Some locations are usually visited by hikers, tourists and researchers are as follows.
Pondok Saladah
Pondok Saladah an area of grassland area of 8 ha located at an altitude of 2288 masl. Many overgrown plants edelweiss lasting and not easily wither and has a distinctive aroma. Cisaladah River flows in this area where the water flows throughout the year, this place is usually used as a place to camp activities. Throughout perjalanaan from the parking lot (the starting point of climbing) to where we'll be treated to a very beautiful natural scenery, the views stretch of the opening of the horseshoe-shaped caldera that is very broad, reaching 3 km is dotted by rocks strewn colorful. Right hand during the journey we will encounter a silver-colored stone walls called cliff Soni, where the city of Garut. can be seen from the top of this cliff, while on the left we can see traces of the former flow eruption in 2002, the trees are burned and the hole -holes that emit steam heat from the soil. Suwagi plants also adorn the scenery during the journey to this place.
Diamond Crater
For both local and foreign tourists, researchers and climbers, Mas crater is a location that has always been a primary goal of all the way to the mountain. When compared with the locations other tourist attractions located around the mountain, the crater Diamond is a location that has been constructed in such a way and seems more advanced and developed. This is because the crater Diamond is the central and most important sites of historical series of eruptions M. Papandayan. Here we can observe the volcanic activity ongoing Papandayan appropriate time, in this crater eruption there are 14 holes that emit smoke with different colors, some springs contain sulfur can also be seen out from the sidelines bebatuannya and of course, we can observe the activity Mas crater from a very close distance.
Mas is a complex volcanic crater berapai active area of 10 Ha. In this complex there is magma holes both large and small, the holes are off some smoke and water vapor to cause a variety of unique sounds.
Apart from the crater above, several other craters, such as crater Manuk, New crater and crater Nangklak we can also visit to deepen our observations of volcanic activity Papandayan.
Tegal Alun-alun
Tegal Alun-alun is the location of the oldest crater of M. Papandayan which has been long dead and turned into an open field of all its location is almost filled by the edelweiss plant, so long as we are in this location we will always smell the scent of edelweiss flowers are typical. This location resembles a complex valley surrounded by mountains with towering peaks. In this location, also appeared for the river water source besides Ciparugpug fumarola, solfatara and hot springs that come out through cracks or gaps that exist surrounding rocks. For the researchers, Tegal Alun-alun always serve as a place to observe wild animals and plants endemic.
Besides the above, Tegal Square and several other locations such as wind and Cliff Lawang Soni, is also a location that can be used as a place to capture the important moments such as pangambilan moment sunrise (Sunrise), which is amazing.
Death Valley (Valley Ruslan)
Death Valley (valley Ruslan) is one location that is considered dangerous for visitors on the mountain. Valley can be found carcasses of animals killed by poison gas trapped. On December 18, 1924, reported a paramedic named Ruslan fall into this valley and lost consciousness, moments later pronounced dead by paramedics Ruslan CL2 inhaling gas. After the incident the death of Ruslan orderlies, the valley was declared dangerous. And therefore this valley then known and named as Death Valley or the Valley of Ruslan.
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